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A simple loading overlay



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Class props

'Classes applied to the element'

Loading component

A simple loading overlay



Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
activeWhether loading is active or not, use v-model:active to make it two-way bindingboolean-false
animationCustom animation (transition name)string-
From config:
loading: {
  animation: "fade"
cancelableIs Loading cancable by pressing escape or clicking outside.boolean-false
containerDOM element where the loading component will be created on (for programmatic usage).
Note that this also changes fullPage to false.
string | HTMLElement-
From config:
loading: {
  container: "body"
fullPageLoader will overlay the full page.boolean-true
iconIcon name to show, unnecessary when default slot is used.string-
From config:
loading: {
  icon: "loading"
iconSizeIcon sizestringsmall, medium, large
From config:
loading: {
  iconSize: "medium"
iconSpinEnable spin effect on iconboolean-
From config:
loading: {
  iconSpin: true
labelNotification label, unnecessary when default slot is used.string-
onCloseCallback function to call on close (programmatically close or user canceled).() => void-Default function (see source code)
overrideOverride existing theme classes completelyboolean-


Event namePropertiesDescription
update:activevalue boolean - updated active propactive prop two-way binding
update:fullPagevalue boolean - updated fullPage propfullPage prop two-way binding
closevalue any - close event dataon component close event


defaultOverride icon and labelclose close - function to close the component

Sass variables

Current theme ➜ Oruga

SASS VariableDefault
$loading-overlayrgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bulma

SASS VariableDefault
$loading-background-colorrgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bootstrap

SASS VariableDefault
$loading-overlayrgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Released under the MIT License.